Circus’s, as fun and happy as they look, around the world are slowly shutting down due to footage and claims that are being leaked about the cruelty that goes on ‘behind the scene’s’ and what is hidden to the public.
The living conditions for these animal are horrendous and they are forced to perform in extremely unnatural ways. If not they are usually beat, killed or sold off the next ‘businessmen’. Sadly these circus’s are very much alive. The ‘Oriental Circus’ which is shockingly run by the owners of one of Indonesia’s famous zoo’s. These people claim they care about animals and want to ‘educate’ yet they use these circus’s as just another income. This is another example of the exploitation of wild animals in Indonesia!
Social media is a powerful tool, as proven with the 4 Dolphins in Bali. Please sign the petition in our bio to ask the Indonesian Government to change this and check out our website – www.jakartaanimlaidnetwork.com for much more detailed information! Yes to education, No to cruelty! #circuspetition #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #stopillegalwildlifetrade #endcrueltytoanimals #pleasesign #pleaseshare #indonesia