There are three different types of people, that we come across, who abuse animals ..
The people who don’t know they are hurting the animals, people who abuse animals on purpose but don’t do it for a long period of time, and then you have the people who know they are hurting the animals and enjoy hurting them.
The first type of people who abuse animals, abuse animals thinking they are helping them. Like hoarding, people think they are helping animals but in reality, they aren’t. The reason they aren’t helping them is because they have to many pets to care for and they fail to realize, they cant care for them all.
The second type of people who abuse animals are usually kids.
The third type of people, abuse animals because the are more helpless than humans. These the people in this last group all suffer from some kind of serious, psychological problem
Ada 3 jenis manusia yang menyiksa binatang. Perbedaannya adalah:
1. Orang yg tidak tahu bahwa dia sedang menyakiti binatang.
2. Orang yg menyakiti binatang dengan sengaja, tapi tidak berlangsung lama.
3. Orang yg tahu bahwa dia sedang menyakiti binatang dan senang melakukannya.
Tipe pertama yang menyakiti binatang tsb berpikir bahwa dia sedang menolong hewannya. Seperti contohnya menimbun, orang berpikir dia sedang menolong binatang padahal tidak. Alasannya dia tidak sedang menolong mereka adalah; karena meninbun banyak satwa padahal mereka tidak mampu mengurus mereka semua. Tipe kedua, biasanya adalah anak-anak. Tipe ketiga penyiksa binatang adalah dia lebih rendah dari manusia. Tetapi tipe terakhir ini biasanya menderita penyakit kejiwaan yang serius! #stopanimalabuse #animalrights #dogsarenotfood #animalrescue #jakartaanimalaidnetwork