URGENT! This afternoon we received a report from a person about this momma cat and her 3 kittens that were born last week.
This sweet cat had been coming to a persons house for weeks now just to get some attention since she is very affectionate. The person who reported this doesnt mind but all to have the mother and babies around but, sadly, other family members do and they said that if by tomorrow they are not gone they will be put into a box and dump them somewhere far.
At JAAN we are completely full to take in any cats so we are urgently looking for a foster home. We already offered that we will promote the kittens and neuter the sweet mom but they have to leave by tomorrow. Please help! You can help by fostering them or even spreading the word .. If you are able to help please email jaan_adopt@yahoo.com as soon as possible. Thankyou! #catrescue #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #helpneeded