
Keanu Update: THANK GOD Keanu made it through the night and day. He is still not stable but we have high hopes that he is going to be okay. The operation started at 17.00 and ended at 21.00. Parts of his intestines had been torn due to ulcers. A big thank you to Dr. Ooy and the team who came straight from the airport to the clinic to save Keanu! ————————————————————-
Keanu Update: THANK GOD Keanu berhasil bertahan. Keadaannya masih belum stabil tetapi masih berharap dia akan baik baik saja. Tindakan operasi akan dimulai pukul 17.00 sampai 21.00. Bagian dari ususnya telah robek karena bisul/maag. Terima kasih banyak kepada Dr. Ooy dan tim yang datang langsung dari bandara ke klinik untuk menyelamatkan Keanu!
#jakartaanimalaidnetwork #dogrescue #dogsarefamily #rescuedog