
On Monday 7th Dec JAAN had a meeting with the head of RSH Jawa Barat, drh Yoni and drh Umar and the head of the vet association PDHI JaBar regarding our upcoming project and collaboration to stop/ban Dancing Monkeys in West Java. We were so impressed with their motivation and enthusiasm for our project and there support for animal welfare. We are really looking forward to work together and make this project a success! ————————————————
Pada hari Senin 7 Desember, JAAN mengadakan pertemuan dengan kepala RSH Jawa Barat, drh Yoni, drh Umar, dan Kepala Asosisi PDHI JaBar mengenai project kami yg akan datang dan kolaborasi untuk Stop Topeng Monyet di Jawa Barat. Kami sangat terkesan dengan motivasi dan antusiasme thdp kesejahteraan satwa. Kami tidak sabar utk bekerja bersama dan menyukseskan project ini! #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #indonesiabebastopengmonyet #animalwelfare #jaansuccess #pemprovjabar#rshcikolejabar #jabarbebastopengmonyet