
Looking for a wonderful new addition to your family? Adopt Dont Shop! Check our full list of animals for adoption here!

First of all, Why should you Adopt?
You are (literally!) saving precious lives! Each year, 2.7 million perfectly adoptable animals are euthanized because there are not enough homes for them. When you adopt, you are saving 2 lives — the one that you adopted AND the one who will fill his space.

Animals that have had a tough past life and have been rescued tend to be more ‘appreciative’ with the love given to them. Their ability to forgive humans for what they have done wrong and love another is absolutely amazing. The loyalty you will get from a rescued Animal is something that cannot be compared.

It is a much cheaper cost (sometimes free) as opposed to buying a brand new puppy/kitten. You save a life while also saving your wallet. Leaving you with more cash to spoil your new angel!

And mostly because ..

You will change a homeless dogs whole world!
And get a new best friend out of it.

These are just SOME celebrities who have adopted animals and literally ‘came to the rescue’ for their pups.

All of the animals that JAAN has to offer have had terrible pasts. Hence why they have fallen under our care .. BUT all animals that are available for adoption from JAAN are all extremely healthy, happy animals! To see what fur babies are up for adoption, Click here!

Read this really good article by ‘The Humane Society of the United States’ about why adopting a rescue dog is awesome!

You can also read this article by ‘HomeoAnimal’ which covers ALL you need to know on adopting! Some really good tips if you’re thinking of adopting your next pet!