Yes, just like the heading says. Pet dogs are being stolen to be slaughtered for dog meat in Bali, Indonesia.
Getting mass killed as an attempt to end rabies, killed for meat or killed to reduce population, its a tough life for the street dogs of Bali.
We are putting the attention on the current dog meat industry. If innocent Dogs that are being slaughtered in hideously cruel ways, such as skinned alive, beaten/poisoned to death isn’t bad enough, its not just street dogs that are on the menu. Bali currently has a huge problem with pet dogs being stolen, still with collars, to be killed off too.
We need your help. Bali has thousands of tourists each year, if you are one of them, then please help as your voice counts too.
Its already been proven that thousands of international signatures on a petition dont do anything (The 4 Dolphins in Wake Resort, Bali) so we have to get their attention some other way. Visit your closest Indonesian Embassy (Within your country) and express your opinion. Whether by visiting or even writing a letter. Bali thrives off of tourists, if they feel like the number of tourists drops, due to this issue .. Something will have to been done about it. Just because you dont live there, doesn’t mean you can’t help. This is mans best friend.
To see a video showing Dogs struggling in a back before being dragged off to get killed, Click here – Video (We decided not to show the end as it became quite graphic).

Be a responsible tourist, help spread the word & speak up for the voiceless. Of course, anyone can help .. Not just tourists.

Sadly, we cannot save every dog .. But with you help, we can ..
To read more about our ‘Dogs Are Not Food’ Campaign, you can click here!