2013-10-28t102420z_1555508008_gm1e9as1evs01_rtrmadp_3_indonesia-politics-widodo Want to report a dancing monkey (topeng monyet) sighting? Please read here first.

[expand title=”ENGLISH”]You’re upset with what you have seen & want to report a dancing monkey case? Well, yes we strive to rescue dancing monkeys (topeng monyet) in the whole of Indonesia if we can. We ask of you to not just report but take action when you see a dancing monkey.

How? Well for starters, it is completely ILLEGAL & the ban has been announced to the public formerly in West Java & Jakarta. 

We are a small team of people with limited facilities, unfortunately we don’t even own our own land, instead we borrow Government land at the locations where the dancing monkeys are banned. If we had more resources it would be much easier to take immediate action against dancing monkeys but as of now, that is not the case.

Again, it’s completely ILLEGAL & you have every right to  report to the RT / RW in the area where the dancing monkey is seen, as it shouldn’t be allowed!

 Jakarta has banned Topengmonyet since 2014 & yes, sometimes there are still dancing monkeys spotted but by the time our team arrives they are gone as the handlers often move around, to avoid being caught.  A moving target is harder to catch, so we need YOUR help to also take action. You have every right to catch them yourself & bring them to the nearest police station. Please do report to the nearest RT / RW as well as report to JAAN.

Dancing Monkey Hotline – +62 813 1496 2608
Together we stand strong, so we count on your support![/expand]

[expand title=”BAHASA INDONESIA”]Anda kesal melihat dan ingin melaporkan kasus topeng monyet? Yep, kita sedang berjuang untuk menyelamatkan monyet-monyet tersebut di seluruh Indonesia dengan segala kemampuan kami. Kami harap anda juga tidak hanya melaporkan tetapi ikut beraksi ketika melihat topeng monyet. 

Caranya? Untuk informasi, topeng monyet sudah sepenuhnya ILEGAL dan larangan sudah diumumkan di daerah Jawa Barat dan Jakarta. Adapun dasar hukum yang mendukung adalah KUHP 302 Indonesia bebas rabies Perda 18 ketertiban umum bebas Tubercolosis UU No 5 1990

Kami adalah tim kecil dengan fasilitas terbatas, sayangnya kami sendiri pun tidak memiliki lahan sendiri. Kami meminjam lahan pemerintah di sekitar lokasi dimana terdapat larangan topeng monyet. Apabila kita memiliki lebih banyak sumber daya, kita dapat jauh lebih mudah untuk bertindak memberantas topeng monyet. Sayangnya tidak demikian.

Sekali lagi, praktik topeng monyet sepenuhnya ILEGAL dan anda berhak sepenuhnya untuk melapor ke RT dan RW daerah setempat, karena itu tidak diperbolehkan! 

Jakarta sudah melarang praktik topeng monyet sejak 2014 dan di beberapa kasus dimana ditemukan praktik topeng monyet, pawang tersebut sudah kabur sebelum tim kami tiba di lokasi. Kami membutuhkan bantuan anda! Anda berhak untuk menangkap dan membawa mereka ke kantor polisi terdekat sambil melapor ke RT/RW dan JAAN.

Hotline Topeng Monyet – +6281314962608 
Bersama kita bisa, dan perjuangan kami bergantung pada anda![/expand]

To report regular Macaque Monkeys, Click here