
@animalfriendsjogja held a protest at the Dolphin Travelshow at Bantul, Jogjakarta. The Travelshow didn’t visit the area for more then two years after a succesful protest convinced the local government to no longer allow the horrific cruel show in Bantul. Yet sadly, now the circus has returned again and set up its tent with its highly chlorinated plastic pool inside with 2 suffering dolphins. It’s such a shame that this is still allowed to happen. This is the WORLD’S LAST Dolphin travelling show/circus to happen, which fuels the illegal trade in Dolphins as they are captured from the Java Sea only to end up in the Travelshow where they will die a very early death. by @fajarmerah_ .. Thank you for everyone for joining in and being the voice for these poor Dolphins. #stopsirkuslumba #animalfriendsjogja #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #bancaptivedolphins