
HELP! EMERGENCY!! Unfortunately we have blood parasites going around in our center and a lot of our kids are falling sick 1 by 1 . Blood parasites is not a disease that can be underestimated and if not treated it can result into death.
Now our team is really busy with checking each dog daily and treating the sick ones as well as aggressively treating the environment for ticks.

We are trying to avoid a major disaster and dont want to loose any of our kids because of this ….. we are in desperate need of bayticol, dalmat and financial support for medicine and all the blood checks.
Please help !! All help is so needed and much appreciated.
No help is too small !!! You can go to this link : http://www.jakartaanimalaid.com/index.php/how-to-help-2/
or you can email info@jakartaanimalaid.com

#jakartaanimalaidnetwork #dogsarefamily #rescuedogs #emergency #helpneeded #instadog