
Please read.
JAAN has expanded quite big over the past years and we are so glad to say we have been able to do so much!
At this moment, JAAN is really struggling financially. We care for over 63 dogs, 82 monkeys and 39 Brahimy Kites (Sea Eagles) and not just that, we also manage many other important projects such as our fight against the wildlife trade and a number of campaigns.
As most of you all know, JAAN has been able to accomplish so much. We have never focused on how to get a steady income as we are always to bust with day to day things. But we are now starting to feel the pressure.
We are going to let you all in on just some of our ‘behind the scenes’ issues we face quite often.
Each month a large amount needs to be gathered to cover our expenses, the things stated above are just some of them. We have come to a point that it has become almost impossible to reach our goal amount.
We obviously dont want to let our animals down but having these many demanding issues is becoming very hard. Our rent for example, is just another issue as it has to be paid otherwise our animals will have no place to stay.
To put a cherry on top of that we are now dealing with a blood parasite outbreak, meaning more costs for veterinary care and medication.
For JAAN, These are tough times and we are trying our very best to survive.
We are calling out to you .. You can help in many ways! – You can help by donating, or what would be even more amazing for us is becoming a solid monthly donor. Even if it is a small amount.
– A single donation for our rent would also help us extremely.
– You can buy our merchandise, as 100% of the purchase will go towards JAAN and helping the animals directly!
– You can even forward this to your friends and family and help spread the word.

Whatever country you’re in .. There is something you can do it to help us and we appreciate every single bit of it. Help us, to help our animals and to continue to fight for a better existence for them.
Visit our website to see a full list of ways you can contribute – direct link in bio. #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #support #needhelp