
Update on Mandy: Have you been wondering how Mandy is doing? Well not much needs to be said because the picture says it all Mandy is recovering fast and already looks like a different dog! The sores on her face are drying up nicely and she is a happy girl. Today Mandy will have another blood check since the first one did not come back too good, but we are confident that there are improvements there too! Mandy will continue to need treatment for the Demodex (skin irritations) for several months, she needs to be vaccinated and she will need to be sterilised when fully recovered! Thanks to her foster mom for giving her a nice place and good care!
Ingin tau kabar Mandy? Yaa sepertinya kami tidak perlu menulis banyak karena gambar telah memperlihatkan semuanya. Mandy pulih sangat cepat dan terlihat jelas perbedannya. Kesedihan di wajahnya telah hilang digantikan senyum yang cantik. Hari ini Mandy akan cek darah lagi semenjak tes pertama yang hasilnya kurang bagus. Tapi kami yakin pasti akan ada kemajuan lagi dalam kesehatan Mandy. Dalam beberapa bulan kedepan Mandy akan menjalani perawatan kulit akibat Demodex, setelah itu dia akan divaksin dan disteril ketima sudah sembuh. Terimakasih untuk foster mom telah menerima dan merawat Mandy!
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