Read to see the REAL problem with Indonesia’s Zoo’s & how we need to stop it!
A horrible video has recently went viral showing sickly, thin Sun Bears begging for food. It sparked outrage amongst social media around the world & now people want answers. If you’re reading this, chances are you want to help, so thank you. (To read more of the particular article & watch the video, head to DailyMail here.)
Here is the real problem with the bears in Bandung Zoo .. its actually happening all over Indonesia! Zoos are mismanaged, and it is very easy to obtain a zoo permit without having any background or knowledge with animals. In most Indonesian zoos, having access to fresh drinking water is a luxury!
The Bandung Zoo doesn’t allow anyone to feed the animals & they claim the animals are ‘well cared for’. But as you can see in the viral footage, caretakers were seen giving old bits of bread to the animals!
We are now having meetings with the management to take action & we are trying to relocate some of the animals from this horrible zoo. We recently also arrested one staff member from the zoo as he was directly trading illegal wildlife!

Without Government help, there is only so much we can do therefore we need to push the Ministry Of Forestry to take action. Which is what we have been doing but they are deaf to our calls! From years ago we have sent in draft animal welfare standards & tried to better the condition of the animals but they ignored them.
To know the full background as to why zoos in Indonesia are mistreating their animals, keep reading below.
We receive hundreds of complains monthly about Indonesia Zoos, especially Surabaya & Bandung Zoo, from citizens who are concerned for the animals that are clearly suffering, being withheld from even the basic welfare needs.
We have been going up and down to Surabaya & other zoo’s around Indonesia, since 2010 requesting the Government to work with us to help improve the conditions! Yet the Government decided they want to work with Perhimpunan Kebun Binatang Seluruh Indonesia (PKBSI), which is local organization set up by zoo owners, they are NOT interested in improving welfare conditions for animals at all, their interest lies in profit.
Our JAAN statement explains the problems with all zoos, why ‘dolphin travel shows/circuses’ continue exist, why Surabaya Zoo after years & years of exposure & pressure for change still has no serious animal welfare improvements & why Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta still keeps tens of adult Orangutans in isolation. This is all because the Government entrusts the wrong people to control zoos!
An association which should be overseeing & checking these animal parks & zoo’s is in fact active in illegal trade of wildlife & exploitation! For these reasons, many infamous Indonesian animal parks, such as Surabaya zoo, continue to earn their global reputation as being the cruelest zoo’s in the world.
JAAN, Animal Friends Jogja (AFJ) & other animal protection groups in Indonesia receive tens of reports about animal cruelty in parks throughout the country. This week alone, reports and complaints on Bandung zoo, Surabaya zoo, Batam Animal Park, Bukittinggi, Kedaton, Lampung, Palangkaraya & Ragunan Zoo (where an juvenile Orangutan juvenile herself).
All the problems in these animal parks/zoo’s, disguisely named ‘Lembaga Konservasi’ (meaning ‘conservation institutes’) could be solved if PKBSI were closed down completely & The Forestry Department would form a new, neutral team to enforce strict animal welfare standards in all Indonesian animal parks & zoo’s
Most Indonesian zoo’s do not fulfill even the very basic conditions necessary, to care for the wild creatures in their hands, including providing shelter from extreme climates, fresh drinking water & food, or even any medical care!

In 2011 the Indonesian Forestry Department developed a ‘basic’ protocol for animal welfare, yet the guidelines in the protocol have never been enforced, and never will as long the current PKBSI is entrusted with the task! Indonesia also sone of the last countries to hold a travel show/circus with dolphins (to read more, click here.) showing that animal welfare clearly is of no importance to the Indonesian Government at this very moment.
We DEMAND the Government to remove the PKBSI as the Government advisory body in developing zoo/animal park management, as they have clearly lost neutrality!
So, how do you help?
The President needs to be reached .. and this can happen through protests at Embassies worldwide! Get in touch with your local Indonesian Embassy & demand they contact the Indonesian Government to make a change.
Simple petitions wont work, we need to bombard the Government. Contact the Ministry of Environment & Forestry yourself & complain. Write letters, emails, phone calls whatever it takes to get their attention.
If you think you can't do it, think again. This man went to an Indonesinan Consulate in New York City, USA local Indonesia & submitted a letter to demand change for dolphins in Indonesia. It can be done, we just need everyone to join in!