The story of Pulo Firman is yet another sad story of a dancing monkey used to make money. Pulo Firman is an adult male, around 5 years old. He travelled all the way from Carbon to Lombok with him ‘handlers’ who then took him to the Gili Trawangan Islands.

Although we are now concentrating on both Jakarta and Bandung area’s to rescue dancing monkeys. Firman was lucky as his handlers were caught by the Police over there and then handed to JAAN. This all happened due to good team work and co ordination with our friends from the Gili Eco Trust along with Police Officer Ketut Artana. We gave Ketut a Certificate Of Appreciation for the fast action to confiscate Firman and highly encourage any other officials to help us rescue these poor monkeys too.

In the photos below you can see Pulo Firman’s ‘costume’ and chain removed. The chain was extremely tight and heavy around his small neck. He is now adapting very well to his quarantine enclosure and new surroundings, leaving his dancing monkey past behind. More updates on his progress with follow so be sure to follow all our social media accounts, here.

You can also help either Pulo Firman or others just like him greatly, by joining our ‘Sponsor A Monkey’ program. To read more information, click here.