
Repost from @richardobarry: ‘We have a seapen waiting for any/captive Dolphins in Indonesia, including those that are suffering in Bali. The name of this Dolphin Sanctuary is ‘Camp Lumba Lumba’. We built it right in the National Park in Central Java where the Dolphins where illegally captured originally. Our partners Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) chose this ideal location location to rehab and release these Dolphins back into their original home range. The notoriously corrupt officials in the Forest Department are the only obstacle preventing the Dolphins from going home. The level of corruption in the Forest Department is breathtaking. The only hope for the Dolphins is to allow the Department of Fisheries take over the responsibility of protecting Dolphins. The Forest Department actually protect the Dolphin dealers and abusers. Those corrupt forest officials should be in jail and the Dolphins should get out of jail and be set free’ #dolphinproject #jakartanimalaidnetwork #stopsirkuslumba #bancaptivedolphins