
Yesterday we got a report from Aji, who is a true animal lover and caring person, about a dog that was hanging around the side of the street in a busy area in Cawang, East Jakarta. This morning the JAAN team went out to rescue this poor dog and it turned out there was another young dog that was in the same shocking condition. Both dogs were ‘owned’ by a guy who has a small tyre shop. He said when the adult dog was getting really bad he decided to put him on the other side of the street because he was afraid he would get it too. Despite the horrible condition they are in and the fact that they are obviously suffering big time, they are both really sweet. Lets hope we can still help them and that its not too late. One thing os for sure .. JAAN will give them the best of everything! You can give us a helping hand by contributing to their medical care. If you’re interested, please email info@jakartaanimalaid.com. You can also help by spreading the story. Thank you to everyone that is willing to help and of course thank you to Aji who reported this and a great help so far. #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #dogrescue #animalwelfare #animalsuffering #dogsarefamily #animalrights #againstanimalcruelty