The dancing monkeys of Indonesia & our work to help them have been featured by The Dodo, an infamous blog that features animals & their stories from all around the globe.

Thank you The Dodo for bringing attention to the cruel industry & for helping us spread awareness! You can read their whole article (high recommended) by clicking here. If you would like to help by joining our ‘Sponsor A Monkey’ program, click here.


Thanks to Animals Australia, their investigation has helped greatly to BAN the trade of dog meat in Bali, as well as everyone that shared their voice. This has finally happened!

Now, when will the rest of Indonesia follow the very smart move from the Bali Government to not only STOP the spread of rabies that has become a major national health & safety threat, but also the obvious, immense cruelty behind it!?

You can read about the whole case on the Animals Australia website, by click the link below –


Attention all pawrents & dog lovers. These series of photos will tell you all you need to know about our upcoming annual 2017 #JAANPAWDAY! including tickets (get in early for a better price), actives, rules etc.

If you wish to be a vendor to sell your goods, or even sponsor our event to grant major exposure, please contact jaan_adopt@yahoo.com.


We have teamed up with Simbae to give your pet high quality pet products that also give back to JAAN!

The video features us washing the JAAN kids with Simbae pet products! 🐶 They’re cruelty & palm oil free, made from natural products, affordable, smell amazing & the best part? With every purchase of any of their products you can choose to donate IDR 20,000 ($2) of your purchase to JAAN so not only are you purchasing high quality products for your fur baby, you’re also helping us & all of our animals too! To purchase, its easy just head to their website & before checking out click the option to help JAAN & your products will be on the way, so go give them a try!



We received news that Transmart Indonesia were selling snake meat, particularly python! We took to our social media accounts to express our disgust & asked all to boycott the food chain as the python is a protected species & cannot be allowed to be butchered! (original post below).

We received an amazing outcome! Many JAAN supporters & followers were in up roar & you all equally expressed your anger & shock. We raised enough hype that in response to the controversy Transmart Manado manager Hendra Simbolon told Tribunnews that he would be pulling all python meat products from his store. He said it was unfortunate because python was commonly sold in Manado and wasn’t sure why Transmart was targetted since other supermarkets in the city sold it as well. He said he would wait for upper management’s decision regarding exactly when to end snake meat sales. Read www.coconuts.co for full article & details!

[instagram url=https://www.instagram.com/p/BWB0jQNhghX/?taken-by=jakartaanimalaidnetwork width=320]

This is HUGE! Thank you to all that helped in achieving this, together we have a voice that cannot be ignored! Now it doesn’t end there, we want to see more than just this. We want to see python meat pulled completely & forever & we also want to see more action regarding the dolphin traveling circuses! Carrefour Transmart Indonesia still DIRECTLY supports the dolphin circus by allowing them to use their parking lots to hold the shows.

They need to STOP directly supporting animal cruelty! All their contacts are below.

Wesbite http://www.carrefour.co.id
Contact Numbers – http://www.carrefour.co.id/id/shop/contact/