Here are some of our videos! Feel free to use as educational material for either yourself, or anyone else 🙂

These school kids made a GREAT attempt at this cute and educational video of JAAN’s Brahimy Kite Program on Pulau Kotok.  Starring: ONENG, NATE, NITYA and NANDO, Thankyou all!


A very sweet video made by the 10th graders at Jakarta International School (JIS) briefly explaining all about JAAN Domestic and adoption. Thank you kids .. We love it!

Short but sweet video showing baby sea turtle hatchlings on their way to ocean & how we help with their survival!

A VERY touching video made by WWF International showing how people, earth and animals .. We are all connected. ‘The World Is Where We Live’


JAAN on Indonesian TV, TV ONE about the Illegal Wildlife Trade.