The release of Sea Turtle hatchlings!

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Swim free! The releasing of many confiscated Sea Turtle hatchlings happened today at our Centre. Come and see more!

The overall population of Sea Turtles is decreasing,  due to the fact that mother Turtles do not have safe area’s of beach to lay their eggs. Beaches are over crowded with tourists, hunters and domestic animals, which all make the beach an unsafe environment to lay eggs.
Sea Turtles are also hunted, and this is the main cause for their decrease in population. They are being hunted for their shells and to buy/sell in what is known as the Illegal Wildlife Trade. These hatchlings were confiscated from Jakarta because they were being illegally caught, then illegally sold in the market.

Its important we look after and do what we can to help maintain/increase the population as Sea Turtles play a very big role in the marine ecosystem. Thats why our Centre on Kotok Island in the famous Thousand Islands we monitor all Sea Turtles that come by and strive to create comfortable and safe place for the mother Turtles to lay their eggs.
We also monitor the illegal trade of Wildlife and confiscate any animals, in this case, Sea Turtles when possible. We do what we can to bring them back to where they belong, the wild.

So far this has been a success and we have been able to release hundreds of hatchlings back into the ocean.

Today was one of those days!

Now, Watch the videos! (Click the links)
We wish the best for these little ones and hope they will return one day to lay their own eggs! To read more about our ‘Sea Turtle Protection’ Program, Click here!